Coco Chanel

Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future

coco chanel

GRIT magazine

that's right ,I'm sorry its been a while a lot has been going on in my life and I have been very busy with it all to be honest. I wont go into detail because it has been personal, and i don't fancy sharing my life with the WHOLE of the Internet
i have so much to say but with so little time sorry i am in a hurry :S

OK you lets get down to business GRIT magazine, awesome what else can I say? I t rocks, I was only recently given the link by my best friend from her blog, But right now its the school summer holidays and she is all the way over in Bangkok right now...(jealous much). Shes having a wonderful time and is back in a week or so.
Anyway back to the point. GRIT magazine great I love it that's all i can say , I wont lie to you I don't know much about it but here are some crack-a-lacking photos

1 comment:

ruby said...

thank you!
Just need to build it up more
so is yours!

vivienne westwood

vivienne westwood
this is my favourite designer right now, I just love the perfume boudoir
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