Coco Chanel

Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future

coco chanel

Jean Paul Gaultier

This is the new collection for jean Paul Gaultier couture 2010 spring and all I have to say is A cowboy, Indian and surprisingly oriental look to all the wonderful head gear. Now I know a lot about Gaultier and this is very out of the ordinary. Apparently Gaultier made this collection after he had been to an exhibition about Moctezuma, and after recently watching avatar. I see this in his collection also. love this very sophisticated suit, its so Gaultier I love it.

The hats on this particular collection are like fashion origami there so great. Like corsets and bits and pieces.


There is a great shop in Leeds called blue rinse this Little shop sells everything vintage, I was quite surprised when I found it because its just so great!!. Whilst shopping in Leeds for the first time...I know been to London but not Leeds!. I was with my great friend tanita from mode panda when she told me about it, we also went a shop called bestvintage another little vintage shop full of glorious bargains . I bought this new jumper from there.

vivienne westwood

vivienne westwood
this is my favourite designer right now, I just love the perfume boudoir
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